Friday, May 7, 2010

Horse Butt

The funniest butt I have ever seen.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Plastic Fight

You need to meet my team for this mission. We are a team of only four members to attach. There is me, Caru, Licus, and Arbow. We have to give our partners a chance to steal back the formula to the brain giving substance, as we have tried to do so many times. We are going to get rid of the marsh mellows by shooting big slices of ham on them so they can't move. Suddenly there was a nok on the door. Then there was the sound of a thousand noks on the door, it was time. We marched out onto the battered battle field. The mellows were ready they hit us with there catapults loaded with forks. "Wait, forks?What the heck, how did they get them." I duck under the wood wall.Ah, my leg it has snagged a fork. "What, why does it have poison in it?" Ah it burns, I need help. We start the attack, Arbow launches his first of two ham bullets, it hits big. I try, but my knee buckles. Caru uses her heat blaster to melt a hole bunch of them. Licus uses her air canon to shoot a stuffed animal at them, with the huge amount of top wait they fell over and retreated. I try again, I get one of this time and the mellow take a big hit. I see Larbie and Heego sneaking around the back of the battle field. "Good we are only done." I told Arbow as we launched our second hams. I took out my plastic toy and loaded it into my launcher. Boom, it hit. "Yes."Wait I hit but all my friends hit everything else. Well mission accomplished. Larbie and Heego are walking over all battered up. Arbow asks "What happened over in the barn." Larbie replies "Well they had a small guard and when we went over with no weapons thanks Heego hear, we got wooped.

(Part three coming soon)

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Marsh Mellow Mutation of Doom part1

It is a normal gloomy after noon like all others in the small island of Glah. The people that live here regret moving here so much that the hole island looks like it is a domain for a species of zombies so many people are drunk. Our island is not on the map, once a hole battle was fought around our island and the army didn't even know we were there. My name is Largan I an one of eight kids on this island. my occupation is to blow up things using toxic things that wash up on the beach. I have mutated a couple of things but the only one that was a problem was that marsh mellow last month. Some how it got a brain and this isn't a normal brain it is huge the creature as it was now got ten times bigger with that brain. Now The town is hiding in closets with no help to destroy the monster that my marsh mellow became. Sadly the grow ups wont do anything. The eight kids I was talking about, I and the other seven have been fighting back to the tiny carnations with the are old toys loaded into our air launchers we made for school. I am restocking ammo for the next revolt. Well I am ready time to meet with the others.

(Tomorrow there will be part two.)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Origins of WERTYORK

The word Wertyork comes from the word ork. I came up with this name needing a user name for a website. I needed a easy to type,easy to remember and a funny name so I looked at the rows of keys and saw werty, I had watched The Lord of the Rings earlier that week so I thought ork. Put them together and Wertyork.

My favorite type of dog

This is not my dog just to be clear. I just got that picture up because husky's are my favorite type of dog because they are fast and they can stand really cold weather like me. I have been on a dog sled pulled by they's guys, it is really fun.

Hot dogs

I love hot dogs. My favorite is with mustered on top and relish on the bottom, yes I said relish on the bottom because for some reason I don't like it mixed with the mustered, it just doesn't look good that way.

starter up

I just started this blog to have something to just take up some time in my day and put thing out there that I want to tell that my family wont listen to me about.