Monday, May 3, 2010

The Marsh Mellow Mutation of Doom part1

It is a normal gloomy after noon like all others in the small island of Glah. The people that live here regret moving here so much that the hole island looks like it is a domain for a species of zombies so many people are drunk. Our island is not on the map, once a hole battle was fought around our island and the army didn't even know we were there. My name is Largan I an one of eight kids on this island. my occupation is to blow up things using toxic things that wash up on the beach. I have mutated a couple of things but the only one that was a problem was that marsh mellow last month. Some how it got a brain and this isn't a normal brain it is huge the creature as it was now got ten times bigger with that brain. Now The town is hiding in closets with no help to destroy the monster that my marsh mellow became. Sadly the grow ups wont do anything. The eight kids I was talking about, I and the other seven have been fighting back to the tiny carnations with the are old toys loaded into our air launchers we made for school. I am restocking ammo for the next revolt. Well I am ready time to meet with the others.

(Tomorrow there will be part two.)

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